Friday, January 21, 2011

Kitty Kleanups

Today, I wanted to do a different type of tutorial because I know that our lives do not revolve solely around building our blogs etc.  I want to talk about cleaning up after our cats.  There can be a lot of work to this, but it is all worth it in the end.  I hope that this tutorial will help others who are perhaps undecided on getting a cat whether or not it is right for them.

I've recently seen a lot of people online asking questions about how to get rid of pet (particularly cat) stains and odors.  So, here are my solutions --

Male Cats: For those who do not know, male cats have a bad habit.  They like to spray everything (marking their territory).  I personally have had the good fortune of my male cat not doing this as he was quite the gentlemanly prince from the git-go. 

Quick Fix: Snippity doo da.  Literally.  Have your vet or the ASPCA neuter your cat.  The problem should stop.  However, if you consider your cat a breeding stud, I recommend talking to your vet.

Little Accidents / Litter OCD: Despite the good fortune of not having a cat that sprays... the same cat has OCD concerning his litter.  If the other cats have used the litter at all, Haru will take initiative by creating his own toilet elsewhere, so I needed a way to clean up after him.  Some cats have issues with certain types of litter, so if your cat has a problem where they did not before, I recommend trying a different type of litter and then if the problem persists, take the cat to the vet as they can have infections and other issues that affect that.

Quick Fix(es): I've already mentioned changing litter.  But when it comes to things like carpeting, there are products out there to help you.  If you have a cat that you believe to be eliminating outside the box just to be a naughty kitty, take white vinegar, mix with water, and spray over the area the cat has eliminated.  Cats hate the smell of vinegar, and it erases the scents only they can smell, the scent that says, "I've used this spot before."  You can also use Nature's Miracle Orange Oxy Power Stain and Odor remover designed specifically for cats.  I use it and it works WONDERS.  It is also color fast :D.  It can be found at your local Petco store.

The Litter-works: I've seen so many people ask questions about what the best cat litter is.  The answer is that there is no right answer.  I start off with "How much can I spend on this?" and then look at the litters in that price range.  I have experimented with several, but I have to think about my cats and what their preferences are as well.  The following are my favorites and a quick personal review on each -
  1. Breeze Litter System
    • My favorite due to price, ease of cleanup, and lack of smell.
    • Practically NO dust.
    • There is a drawer beneath the box itself.  The drawer holds a pad (kind of like puppy training pads).  The box has holes in the base.  Urine is filtered through the holes onto the pad.  When #2 comes along, you simply let the pellets in the box dry it out before scooping it up and flushing.
    • The pads are $4ish for replacements and the pellets are $7ish per bag.
    • I recommend changing the pad out once weekly while changing out pellets, or at least refreshing them (adding more) twice monthly.  The entire system costs $30+ at WalMart, but so far, is really worth it.
  2. Mimi Litter - apologies, no link, but please Google it.
    • This is my second favorite for the same reasons Breeze is my first.
    • Again, practically no dust.
    • Silica gel, so there are some concerns that cats will get it between the pads of their feet and then eat it.  I have not faced this problem AT ALL, and my OCD cat, Haru LOVES it more than any of the other litters.  I use this in addition to the Breeze for that reason.
    • Does not stink AT ALL after being used unless it sits over 3 weeks.  I only have to change mine once every 2 weeks.
    • Only $4 (and change) from Wal*Mart, but I warn that some stores do not sell it.  It depends on your location.  I have heard of people ordering it online.
    • It HAS been re-called once, but that was due to some issues with packaging and not the litter itself.  It is still safe for your pets.
  3. Fresh Step Blue Crystals 
    • Another favorite, and a good alternative to Mimi Litter.
    • Very similar to Mimi.
Stopping Litter Stinkage - If you have one of those issues where your litter smells, I recommend baking soda.  Simply sprinkle a little in the bottom of the box before layering your cat litter over it.  There is even a spray out there that you can spray over your litter after the cat has used it to cut out the stink.  I also wash my litterboxes once monthly, and follow the washing by spraying them down with 409 to help kill any additional germs missed during the wash.  Just be sure to dry the box out before allowing the cats in it, or they may lick the 409...

I hope this has been a helpful post to any who cared.  If you have cats, I would love to hear about them and their adventures in your home. 

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