Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back to the Grind

After a long vacation, and spending some quality time with my husband, I am back to the grind of my daily life.  Well, at least I'm trying to be.  Ever since we got home, Drew and I have been sick. 

At this time in my life, I'm coming up with a list of things to do, or that need doing over the next few months.  This is how I begin my years.  I love lists... but I hate setting 'resolutions'.  This is a good example.  So here is my current, "hope list" with some goals mixed in:
  • Scan, or type up, all of my journals so that they will always be in both book and digital format.  -- I want Drew and any future children to be able to read them.  So there.
  • Write an encouraging email to Drew daily before I really do anything else.
  • Catch up on my journaling -- and stay caught up for once.
  • Have a schedule -- and keep it.
  • Find some sort of fairly cheap hobby (likely karate or dance) that involves some kind of class to get me out of the house at least once weekly.
  • Clean my house -- and *hopefully* {fingers crossed} keep it that way.
  • Read.  Every day.  Something not my journal or the Internet or my phone.  Or any other electronic gadget. 
  • Visit the library in search of new reading materials.
  • Keeping up with my blog(s).
  • Continue learning in whatever ways I can.
  • Work hard on my business -- even if whatever I choose to do doesn't really make a lot of money.  There's a certain feeling of satisfaction in having done something.
  • Go through all of our stuff and sell or donate whatever we do not use or need.
  • Write other people more... but I need more pen pals.
  • Take pictures.  Lots of them.
  • Make more Youtube videos with Avril, Drew, Mel, my pets...
  • And the list continues...
I'm looking forward to getting started on all of this... I'll make mistakes through it all (just like last year and the year before).  But I've learned that there is beauty in being broken and joy in times of disappointment and stress. 

Yes, there are specific reasons why I've chosen to make such a list.  I wish I could share beyond what is here; beyond saying that "it's just coincidence" or that it is "because I want to be a better person".  These things are true, yet, they are not the whole truth.  I've entered a new secret life.  I love it, but I struggle with it, but such is life.

So here is to the grind and getting back to the work that I made for myself.  A toast(ed) slice of bread slathered in jelly.  I would love to hear everyone else's goals this year.  Do you make resolutions, goals, or lists? 


  1. I make goals and daily lists. The lists help me to stay focused on the important areas in my life. It's weird, but for me even though I know these things are important, I still procrastinate.

    Also I can totally relate on the getting rid of stuff...I have so much I need to go through...I never knew people could have so much junk! lol

  2. I agree about the junk thing. I think it happens right around the day we marry... Suddenly, there's too much in the house.
