Monday, April 29, 2013

Don't Forget!

I'm still out there blogging, but have now moved to Tumblr. Please go follow me there using the button below!

There are many exciting things going on at Tumblr.  And who knows, you might even get to know me a little better :)

With love,


Monday, December 17, 2012

Check me out on and

Thank you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

In Case You're Wondering...

..."what happened to her?!" don't freak out.  I'm still online.  I'm still blogging.  But, yes.  Lately I've been blogging a great deal more on Tumblr.  A few weeks ago, I posted on here that I would be posting on Tumblr now as well, but I don't think I really went into the why...

I look back on the posts I've made here, and I'm both proud and not so proud.  As a very detailed person, sometimes I can get carried away with my venting, and so forth.  Especially when it comes to writing. 

The world is lacking in people who are understanding enough to truly care about everyone else's problems.  We have sped up.  We are "modern".  We have little time to be a buffer for someone's insecurities... even if it would go a long way toward making them more secure.  We've lost our sense of responsibility for others, and I'm ashamed of us. 

I've learned that you "don't leave your partner". 

I want to say that I know that I have a dream life.  I have VERY LITTLE to complain about.  I am blessed beyond words.  Bad things still happen to good people.  And when others don't truly give a care what happened to someone else even though it matters to them... well, the person it happened to can't really move on in a healthy way. 

I am happy to report that I have friends who do care and whom I believe truly love me.  I'm happier now than I've been in quite some time.  I feel I can see my way through to doing more things and continuing to be who I want to be.  I am strong, and sometimes my strength (and therefore, apparently my anger) come through my posts quite clearly and expressively.  I cannot apologize for this... it is a part of me forever.  I can only apologize if I've misused a dangerous gift.

Again, I'm not leaving Blogspot / Blogger.  I have simply found a better, and I believe more wholesome, way of sharing myself with the world around me.  I hope that everyone will continue to follow me and seek updates.  Thank you for your continuing support.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Now I'm Tumblrin'!

If you keep up with me online at all, you may have noted recent changes to some of my web-stuffs.  Perhaps I changed some things around.  Maybe I added something.  Or maybe... I DISAPPEARED!! 
I finally gave up on MySpace and deleted it.  I have also been going around the net and deleting certain accounts that I no longer use.  But at the end of it all, I've made another decision.  If you are a fan of my Scrap Journal (the photo journal listed in the links), that will be disappearing before too much longer as well as I grow and change.  However, do not worry.  The photos will be saved, and there will be something better to take it's place.

As of today, I will be starting to use my Tumblr on a daily basis.  You can visit it to see a ton of things.  You will see my Youtube videos which will be posted upon upload to Youtube.  In other news, Drew and I will be using this as our "photo-a-day" album where I will be posting a daily photo.  You will also find my drawing there as I do more of it, and a possible horde of other media etc.

For those who do not know Tumblr, it is referred to as a "microblog" with the potential of having longer, more involved blog posts as well.  I will continue using this blog as well, for the time being, but for lengthier posts.  I hope that everyone will continue to keep up with me.  Below is the link to the Tumblr site, I don't believe you have to be a member to view my stuff.  Enjoy :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Internet Safety: Don't Be Stupid

In 1995, my mother bought our first desktop computer.  Over the course of five or six years, we wore that thing out to the point it would never work again...  I loved making artwork on it, and Mom even let me chat with others on special "just for kids" chat sites when she was watching.  As I got older, she allowed me a little more freedom, and I found I was able to do a great deal more online as time went on.  This was the technological Burger King: what would they think of next!?

I quickly learned how to make friends in cyber-land, and found it much easier than making friends in the "real world".  Granted, much is lost to the atmosphere of relationships when cyber-land is involved.  I was blessed and lucky, though.  I found many wonderful people who are (in some cases) just as real to me as my real-world friends and family.  They are neither scammers nor scoundrels.  They simply are people in another part of cyber-space trying to live their lives the best they know how.

More recently, I've become quite disturbed by the news stories I've been reading regarding Internet safety, and those so unfortunate to fall victim to others via social networking.  Some of these stories appear fairly innocent in which a victim(s) of crime would post something online seeking work, or a buyer of their product only to end up a victim of murder, molestation, or other crimes.  However, I personally am appalled by those stories recounting the (forgive me) lack of common sense of an individual to the point they are taken advantage of, and eventually it dawns on them -- occasionally, too late.  Worse yet, we've involved children and teenagers in this mess, to the point that they and their peers bully each other via the web.  These are VERY serious issues.  I know that a lot of people may consider me a bit too brash to discuss this, but it concerns such a wide range of people and groupings that I feel it necessary.

One may wonder how it is that I've gone through so many years of social networking, chatting, etc. seemingly unscathed.  The answer is that I remained as informed as possible, and when I did run into problems, they were quickly and appropriately taken care of.  I want to share my tips, tricks, and common knowledge here in the hopes that someone can be saved a lot of trouble.

The Job Seeker - A few years ago, it came to my attention that many businesses are switching to online applications rather than keeping to a simple "hard copy".  I decided to try my hand at this in the hope of finding much needed work.  In so doing, I posted my resume on job sites such as and others.  I found several very nice positions posted on such sites which I desired to apply for, and did so through the site.  Since I was in such great need of a job, I was doing many searches for jobs, and applying at several places in a day.  Before long, my email inbox became filled with tons of job offers, many of them quite obviously scams.  One of them, however, happened to catch my eye.  I replied to it, hoping it would be legit.  I was told I would be mailed information regarding the job offer.  It still seemed legit, so I gave my address (which was a PO Box at the time).  A few days later, a packet came.  When I opened it, two money orders fell out, with a letter.  The letter instructed me to put one money order into my bank account, mail the other to a client in another state, and so the cycle continued.  I took the money orders straight to my local post office where they checked them.  The money orders were fraudulent and had I put them in the bank, my account would have come up several hundred dollars in the negative.  I gave all information I had regarding the senders, returned home to my computer, and blocked them from emailing me again.  I eventually shut down my email account and created a new one.

I do not believe that sites such as are at all bad.  However, I do believe that having too many third-party applications can spell out trouble for any job-seeker. 
  • When job seeking, do not apply online unless you can do so by visiting the company's website directly (without clicking any links in a job-searching site).
  • I recommend keeping a post office box when doing business such as this.  It keeps your home and address seperate.
  • To reiterate the last bullet, it is best to not apply for a job by clicking the links in a job-search site.  If the site has an apply button next to it, think, try searching for the main website. 
  • If there is no online application at the company's direct web-page, look for a Contact page, and use the information given to send in your resume and a cover letter.  More work, but at least you're not turning fraudulent money orders into the postal service.

The Buyer \ Seller - There are many places out there where you can buy and sell things from home.  The safest of these (in my opinion) are the ones where the transaction takes place entirely online.  There have been some reports (not all of which have been proven) of people who have been raped and worse because they posted or replied to ads on Craigslist, and other such sites.  These sites provide an opportunity to get rid of your trash by selling or giving it to someone who hopefully will consider it a treasure.  They also offer opportunities to find work, employees, and even relationships if you truly desire to do so by posting an ad.

Craigslist is not a bad site.  But once again, safety measures must be taken.
  • When posting an ad, be sure to include that you do not accept out of town\state orders.  This can lead to fraudulent money orders as well.
  • When meeting up with a stranger to buy or sell anything, do so in a very public place, and in daylight hours.  Furthermore, try to do so in a small group (you and a spouse, family member or a couple of trusted friends). 
The Dating Scene - The Internet has become a hub-bub for folks looking for love in all of the places (both right and wrong).  In today's society, many of us feel unloved and we seek what we desire.  Love in all it's forms can render the wisest man or woman dumb as a brick.  It behooves us, then, to be more cautious than normal when choosing someone to be so wholly entwined with via the Internet.

Probably the most recently disturbing story I've read regarding dating sites where con artists have stolen photos and identities of military members (US Army soldiers seem to be a particular favorite) and used them on dating sites.  In one story, it had even wreaked havoc on a soldier's marriage, nearly ending it!  The con artists are good; they have well-established scams, which is why they continue to use them.

Read what I found here.

Dating sites are not bad.  Military service members (US and otherwise) are not bad.  But additional caution is quite necessary when allowing oneself to date online.
  • When a member of an online dating venue, be even more careful than normal what you share.
  • Should you find your cyber-soulmate, chat with them awhile (more than a few hours / days / weeks).  If the two of you desire to meet in person, pick a special place that is public.
  • If Mr. Oo-la-gushy-mush is a military service member, watch carefully for clues that he could be a con masquerading as a service member.
    • He/she doesn't need any money to "pay for leave".  Leave time is free.
    • He/she doesn't need you (or anyone else) to send an officially formal request so that they may go on leave.
    • They don't need super expensive phone cards.
    • Etc.
  • I do not recommend sending money to anyone you have met online, until you have also met them in person.  Especially if they have specifically requested it.
There are sites, such as the one mentioned in the article linked above, which help those who have been victimized by con artists pretending to be service members.  If you are a woman who has been contacted by a supposed member of the armed forces in a dating site, I suggest visiting  This site often posts names which have become popular for scammers to use.

If you are being victimized by someone not in the military:  Take steps to block or delete your attacker, but be certain to take down all information you have on them before-hand.  Use this information to handle the situation from a distance.  You can take it to your local authorities and request information regarding internet safety as well as materials instructing you on how to further protect yourself and your family.  You may also find a very helpful "Report" button should you be on a dating site, Facebook, or other web-chat.

Thank you for reading, and if you have questions or comments, please feel free!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Walled In on the Outside

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  I've missed most (if not all) of the other major holiday-themed moments this year because of deployment, among many other things.  I want to take this opportunity to get real with my readers once again.  Deployment is finally over (THANK GOD)!  I think that's without a doubt number one on my list of things I'm thankful for this year.  My husband has been home for awhile, and aside from duty days, has been rather constant.  For those who wondered and never asked, I did a lot of thinking this deployment.  There were a lot of things that I was trying so hard to wrap my head around.  The trouble is that as corny and hopeless as it may sound to others, I honestly do feel more settled, more clear-headed... when he's nearer home.  But then, I suppose that every military wife could make that exact claim to many varying degrees based on whatever level of hell she reached the final hour before homecoming.  Seriously, deployment (for the spouses left at home) is a lot like Facebook.  Everybody loves it -- UNTIL the creators throw a curve ball and make changes and none of us know how to use it again for at least a week.  Meanwhile, your account is hacked, your friends post spam to your page that they weren't even aware they posted, and you click it thinking, "Oh yes, I trust Susie, she would nev-- WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!??" 
I look around me and I'm honestly so very blessed to have everyone and everything that I do.  I'm somewhat surprised that God continues to bless me the ways He does because I've been so gosh-darn lucky in life.  Isn't it about time someone else -- perhaps someone more deserving -- had a turn?  I do not say that unappreciatively, but rather with a grateful attitude in recognition of the fact that I am simple and unworthy.  I wonder sometimes what I've really done with all of these awesome blessings I have.  Have I completely squandered them with little thought to what I'm doing, or have I actually used my talents and gifts in a capacity I'm failing to notice?

That having been said, I suppose it's pretty obvious to most people that while I'm capable of great confidence, I don't always display it.  I'm often afraid to, for whatever reasons.  It's something I've struggled with on and off for most of my adulthood, though I try to keep it under wraps.  Part of my 'strong woman' routine, I guess.  Relationships are often awkward for me, and I often don't know how to operate on the level that so many people seem to.  A lot of it doesn't make sense to me.  I take life by the bull horns, whether or not they're stabbing me.  It hurts, sometimes for years, but the scars that remain are another lesson learned. 

So walled in on the outside... what's that all about?  Well... simply put, I've felt for quite sometime that there is a road block within my life.  Before deployment, I was looking so forward to all of the things I would do while Drew was away...  But then I did a big fat nothing.  I went shopping with a friend a lot.  I made a few videos with a friend.  I spent time with my cats.  I stayed up as late as I could.  I took a bust of a road trip not many people know about (and it's best kept that way).  But all of those things are a FAR cry from the classes I had planned to take, or the time I had planned to put into things that are special to me.  I spent most of my time out with one or two people... I didn't make many new friends, and when I made them, I didn't spend much time with them, though I'm trying to fix that... so what happened?

I won't go into the many details of everything that went absolutely wrong during deployment.  Those things will happen no matter how many deployments Drew and I go through.  If it wasn't these challenges, it would've been something else.  No sense crying over spilled milk.  But I will say that while I've been extremely happy with my home life, my husband, my pets, my friends... I have not been happy with myself.  There has almost always been something that stopped me from doing the things that would have most made me happy.  I live to make everyone around me laugh and smile... and I can't not live for that; I must be true to myself.  But some's just an old, skipping, broken record...  I was talking to a friend one day after Thanksgiving.  She told me how she accidentally crushed her phone between her hands in an annoyed attempt to shut the non-stop ringing up.  That's exactly how I feel sometimes.  I'm there for everyone, but they won't use me.  I really appreciate all of the people who are there for me.  I appreciate if you've said that I can call you any hour of the day.  Sometimes, I feel kind of alone out here, though I know I'm really not.  It's my fault.  I don't make much personal effort beyond saying hello to someone to get to know them.  I wait for them to talk to me or invite me over.  I try not to be too pushy.  I've learned that when I make the effort, it's met with a lot of...disgust, hatred, unkindness - you get the picture.  I just wait...  But waiting doesn't bring people around, sadly.  There's something within me I must conquer and overcome to be able to do this...

Walled in on the outside is about how for some of us -- or maybe it's just me -- we somehow take who we are and shove it within ourselves, literally walling ourselves in.  The problem is that in doing so, we push ourselves to the outside of so much of what we could be involved in.

It's time to make some changes.  Though they'll be difficult, challenging, and sometimes go against the flow of my own character, I'm up for it.  I'm excited about this.  I hope that everyone enjoys this life as much as I will continue to.  This is me...  Thankfully.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Introducing: Vampire Nation

As some of my friends, family, and readers may already know, my husband has always had an interest in vampire lore.  More recently, he has gained an interest in writing his own novel.  I am posting an excerpt from a novel he's writing.  Enjoy, and comment below!:

"The two boys moved around each other as in a dance. Their swords in continuous movement. As they circled each other, occasionally, a passing glance could see half of their bodies bending backward as they dodged a close swing. The sound of their parries could be heard from a hundred yards.
It had been a nice day. The skies had been clear, the temperature had been cool with a slight breeze, and the birds were singing the songs of spring. but this was not daytime. The predators were out now. As the two boys continued their dance, a man stood a short distance off watching them.
“That is enough, boys.” Said the man. “William, come here, my boy. Your stance is strong and your sword strikes true. You will make a fine king one day.”
“Thank you, father, but I am not ready to be king someday, who would dare to cross swords with you?” questioned William as he approached King Thorivol and knelt.
“You must be ready nevertheless, my son. Ryo, you must learn to not be timid or angry while in combat, a more skilled opponent would have killed you!”Exclaimed the king.
“Yes, King Thorivol. Your wisdom is beyond your years and what you say is undoubtedly true. I vow upon my life and honor that I will be the best swordsman this world will ever know!” As he said this, he knelt in front of the king and kissed his ring.
It should be known at this time that Ryo’s parents were killed when he was young. The man that killed them told him to grow up strong and left a scar across his left eye that started above his nose and diagonally across to make him remember. King Thorivol took him in. He treated those in the Royal Family of Pullizzi as if he was their servant because he knew that they did not have to put up with him if they did not want to and gave them their proper honors. Most of them expected it, but some refused his services because they saw him as a brother. Highest among this crowd, William not only saw him as a brother and refused his help, but he was also Ryo’s closest friend. The Queen herself often said that he was one of the greatest sons that she never had. The King, on the other hand, was always more abrasive with Ryo, but he in fact counted him as a son of his bloodline.
“Pull out your bows and shoot that.” Said the King, pointing at a target one hundred yards away. The two pulled out their bows and knocked arrows. William sighted in and shot within and shot within a few seconds of each other. It hit inside of the second ring. It took Ryo a little bit longer to sight in the target. The King was about to say something to him about it when heard the twang and the subsequent THUMP of the arrow hitting the target. Ryo’s arrow had hit dead in the center of the target. When the King looked back at Ryo, he was already carefully unstringing his bow.
“Why do you not become an archer over being a swordsman? You are much more proficient at it.” Praised the King.
“My King, though archery is both a skilled and vital piece of warfare, I look forward to being drenched in my enemy’s blood.”
“Very well. “Replied the King. “Next, see how close you can get to me in my throne room before I notice you.” The next moment, he was gone.
“Well, Ryo, this should be fun. Who is faster? I’ll bet you that I will not only win, but I can get a nap in before you get there.” William said with a chuckle.
“You may have the Royal bloodline in you, but I’ll be damned if I do not beat you. ha, ha, ha.” As he said this, Ryo was wearing a sick, sadistic smile on. They took off. They sped past the giant fountain that had King Thorivol as the centerpiece. William ran around it, while Ryo simply jumped the corner. William and Ryo ran past the garden that was maintained by various feeders during the day.
“Ha, ha, ha! You are already fa-“
“Wake up, William, wake up!” exclaimed a familiar voice. He woke up with a start. He sat up in his bed, and saw that it was the late afternoon; there were slits near the ceiling to let in enough light to see the surroundings.
“Why do you wake me so early?” William said while turning to confront the voice. “And why are you crying, my dear?” He wiped the blood from his wife’s eyes.
“I have terrible news, King Thorivol is…” Laura paused; she found it hard to say it. She started crying again.
“Are you saying my father is dead? Do we know who did it?” Laura shook her head in response. “Justice must be found!” He got up and stormed out of the room. He found his way to Ryo’s room. His room was very simple, he preferred the traditional coffin, and it was dark. The few things that were in his room were his sword and bow with quiver and arrows. The Queen had often asked if he wanted anything for his room, but he always refused because they had already taken him in and supported him and did not want to impeach on their hospitality any more than he already was.
Ryo groaned, “What is it William, it is still daytime.” He said from the confines of the still closed coffin.
“My father has been killed.” Was all that William said. Ryo shot out of his daytime resting place and punched the wall across the room as hard as he could, he did not care if it did damage to the wall or to him."