Monday, February 13, 2012

In Case You're Wondering...

..."what happened to her?!" don't freak out.  I'm still online.  I'm still blogging.  But, yes.  Lately I've been blogging a great deal more on Tumblr.  A few weeks ago, I posted on here that I would be posting on Tumblr now as well, but I don't think I really went into the why...

I look back on the posts I've made here, and I'm both proud and not so proud.  As a very detailed person, sometimes I can get carried away with my venting, and so forth.  Especially when it comes to writing. 

The world is lacking in people who are understanding enough to truly care about everyone else's problems.  We have sped up.  We are "modern".  We have little time to be a buffer for someone's insecurities... even if it would go a long way toward making them more secure.  We've lost our sense of responsibility for others, and I'm ashamed of us. 

I've learned that you "don't leave your partner". 

I want to say that I know that I have a dream life.  I have VERY LITTLE to complain about.  I am blessed beyond words.  Bad things still happen to good people.  And when others don't truly give a care what happened to someone else even though it matters to them... well, the person it happened to can't really move on in a healthy way. 

I am happy to report that I have friends who do care and whom I believe truly love me.  I'm happier now than I've been in quite some time.  I feel I can see my way through to doing more things and continuing to be who I want to be.  I am strong, and sometimes my strength (and therefore, apparently my anger) come through my posts quite clearly and expressively.  I cannot apologize for this... it is a part of me forever.  I can only apologize if I've misused a dangerous gift.

Again, I'm not leaving Blogspot / Blogger.  I have simply found a better, and I believe more wholesome, way of sharing myself with the world around me.  I hope that everyone will continue to follow me and seek updates.  Thank you for your continuing support.

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