Friday, April 15, 2011

Musical Memoirs: Episode 12 - Rest In Peace

Today's Musical Memoir may come as a surprise to some, not only because it has the same title as a more popular song, but also because of where it comes from.  Whenever my husband is away, I kind of go into morbid-mode.  My favorite music switches back and forth sporadically from rock to country to hip-hop (which isn't too abnormal), but I tend to enjoy rock a bit more than normal.  Furthermore, I end up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the complete series over the course of a couple weeks.  So... this week's song comes from that series.  Here is Rest In Peace, sung by Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

"I died
So many years ago
But you can make me feel
Like it isn't so
And why you come to be with me
I think I finally know

You're scared
Ashamed of what you feel
And you can't tell the ones you love
You know they couldn't deal
Whisper in a dead man's ear
It doesn't make it real

That's great
But I don't wanna play
'Cause being with you touches me
More than I can say
And since I’m only dead to you
I’m saying stay away and
Let me rest in peace

Let me rest in peace
Let me get some sleep
Let me take my love and bury it
In a hole 6-foot deep
I can lay my body down
But I can't find my, sweet release
So let me rest in peace

You know,
You got a willing slave
And You just love to play the thought
That you might misbehave
But Till you do,
I'm telling you
Stop visiting my grave
Let me rest in peace

I know I should go
But I follow you like a man possessed
There's a traitor here beneath my breast
And it hurts me more than you've ever guessed
If my heart could beat, it would break my chest
but I can see you're unimpressed
So leave me be and

Let me rest in peace
Let me get some sleep
Let me take my love and bury it
Im a hole 6-foot deep
I can lay my body down
But I can't find my sweet release
Let me rest in peace
Why won't you
Let me rest in peace?"

Obviously, different people might view this song in a variety of ways...  Some might even call it morbid.  My viewpoint of it is very random, but then no one should be surprised by my being random at all.  To me, this song expresses a love and longing.  For me personally, upon listening to this song, I thought a lot about family.  About how we have expectations of one another and how that effects us all.  It is a song of changes and how we should treat them, I think.  This interpretation, however, is taking a step further from the meaning presented by the TV show (Buffy: the Vampire Slayer) that used it. 

I think about how my generation is; how we've approached life in general.  Some of us look to God for everything that happens in our lives, everything we do.  Others have chosen to believe in entirely different things.  Even more have taken the stand that "Why would God allow all this bad crap to happen to you and everyone else?  I don't see there being a God in that, so I choose not to believe in one at all." etc.  Finally, there are those who are in-betweeners; people who love God, serve Him, and see Him in every portion of their lives, but they're not going to make too huge of a deal about it.  They're not too worried about showing up who is right versus who is wrong unless asked by all parties involved.  I'm not going to say where I fall in these categories, though perhaps it is obvious.  One thing I will say is that none of these look very good on an extremist.

So how does all of that tie into the song?  Bear with me.  I swear I have a point in this somewhere.  Think about how you grew up.  Were there changes you made that were so big that your family took offense to them somehow?  Did growing change you enough that you are now no longer the person you once were?  Did anyone try to pressure you back into being someone you no longer are?  Were there people in your life that you felt you were fighting to love?  And what about those feelings of love?  Do you judge the amount of love for someone by how much it hurts you to do so sometimes?

To me... this song is one of the most beautiful and honest expressions of all of the above feelings.  Plus many others I haven't shared here.  I hope you all enjoy it.

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