Friday, November 5, 2010

19 Years Ago...

19 years and 1 day ago, I was in a church by the title of Bethany Baptist in Canon, Georgia.  The scene playing out before me was one of my best friends and her father up front, shaking hands with our pastor, and saying a few words to him during the benediction.  At six years old, I knew the drill and exactly what was going on, but I still found myself befuddled by it that night.  I felt -- shocked.  My friend was too good, too angelic to possibly be unsaved until now, what gives?  But then my shock gave in to shame because I had not done what she was doing yet... there was a process.  How could I be so stuck up about her newfound salvation when I myself hadn't even tried it beyond being a good little girl?

This was the beginning of a long journey.  The tour of duty for a seeker of Truth and reality and how everything connects together, despite the differences each piece had.  This was a life-sized puzzle -- I just needed to choose my puzzle-building partners wisely, and maybe, just maybe, the picture won't turn out sloppier than mud pies.

Celebrating 19 years as a daughter of the King.


  1. This is well-written! I am glad we are sisters of the King. :)

  2. Me too. Even if I don't like all the churchy lingo. Lol.
